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You choose Youtube?
I love Youtube. But, Youtube has an impossible problem. 300 hours of content is uploaded every minute. EVERY MINUTE. Yes, even The Dad...

Evolutionary Kawhi
Kawhi Leonard is the perfect basketball athlete. Look at the size of those hands! It is as if he is the fulfilment of a sporting...

Giving feedback to children is kind of my speciality. There’s a fine line between positive feedback and praise. Positive feedback is...
Video games and life as a parent
My brother presents the contrarian view of video games as a counter point to a discussion on our mini-podcast, which you can listen to...
TDR Podcast Episode 24: The Relaunch Death Show
The crew returns and celebrate the relaunch with a discussion about death. Listen on iTunes Listen on Stitcher #podcast #dadregime #dads...

I bribed my child and I'm proud of it
I don’t like using bribes for behaviour. As a teacher, I’ve avoided sticker charts and points systems and instead rely on developing...

Opinion: Playground Etiquette
There’a Peppa Pig episode in which Grandpa Pig upsets the playground by letting the littlest ones ahead of the bigger kids on the rides....

Thought Provoking Thursday: Sense of accomplishment
From early in life we’re conditioned to try and find satisfaction in completing a task - tidy your room, eat your dinner, finish your...

Cliff Richard is helping my children
When I was younger and I was travelling overseas, there were a few things that I used to do to help me immerse myself in the culture: Eat...

Holiday boredom? Here's a tip
Do you know what I hate? People that tell you how to “beat school holiday boredom”, like those pompous, self-righteous, upper middleclass...
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