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TDR Podcast Episode 24: The Relaunch Death Show
The crew returns and celebrate the relaunch with a discussion about death. Listen on iTunes Listen on Stitcher #podcast #dadregime #dads...

TDR Podcast Episode 22: Wining the war of parenthood through battles of conversation
Chris responds to listener feedback. Joel finds out about 9/11. Joel and Chris reflect on the things their fathers have left them and how...

TDR Podcast Episode 21: Do'in it for the nookie
Joel realises he's almost old enough to be a grandfather and has a musical psychosomatic flashback. Chris and Joel than discuss music...

TDR Podcast Episode 20: Cover your ears Ruth!
The boys discover portmanteaus, debate toilet paper, get everyone new jobs, and disappoint Joel's mum. Again. 1060- Our sponsor: #podcast...

TDR Podcast Episode 19: Will one punch get you a silent haircut?
Chris and Joel overcome terminal illness to be in studio. Pete learns to weld and opens up about the loss of his favourite hairdresser....

TDR Podcast Episode 18: Screaming Across Continents And Into The Past
When do you have the 'sex' talk with your kids? The TDR team pretend they have a clue regarding this topic. Sports talk, yelling at the...

TDR Podcast Episode 17: The unfenced Asylum
Simon is back! We discuss Simon's life in Cooktown, Far North Queensland. Joel wonders is he should have trusted his daughter. Simon...

TDR Podcast 2017 Ep6: The 6 year old beatnik
Pete discovers he's growing a hipster. Joel continues his reporting on the war on graffiti. Knitting, pocket money, man buns and more....

TDR Podcast 2017 Ep5: Don't say that! Don't you ever say that!
Our very first guest!! Film maker Gabor Kukucska joins us to discuss why on Earth anyone would want to make a documentary about Chris....

I bribed my child and I'm proud of it
I don’t like using bribes for behaviour. As a teacher, I’ve avoided sticker charts and points systems and instead rely on developing...
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